8月, 2022 | jQuery Responsive

2022.08.31 singer

Diane Marino

Diane Marino

ニューヨークのマンハッタンで生まれ10 歳からクラシックの勉強と即興ジャズのピアノのトレーニングを始めマンハッタンの音楽大学でピアノ演奏の学位を取得。On The Street Where You Live」(2004) は、全米のジャズ チャートでも高い評価。「A Sleepin’ Bee」(2003 年)は、伝統的なジャズ スタンダード、ラテン ジャズ、ブラジリアン ジャズが収録。

2022.08.31 singer

Katy Perry

Katy Perry


2022.08.30 singer

Diana Krall

Diana Krall


2022.08.13 newsticker

jQuery Vertical News Slider

jQuery Vertical News Slider

A jQuery and CSS3-based slider module that displays news headlines on the left along with a preview image and brief description on the right. The “current” item is highlighted and switches automatically at intervals.

2022.08.13 newsticker

Advanced News Ticker

Advanced News Ticker

A powerful, flexible and animated vertical news ticker plugin. Provides hight flexibility thanks to numerous callbacks & methods. Fully customizable to every kind of vertical scrolling need.

2022.08.13 newsticker

Bootstrap News Box

Bootstrap News Box

A jQuery and Bootstrap 4 based plugin for creating a clean responsive news ticker/slider that allows you to vertically scroll html contents with autoplay and up/down navigation support.

2022.08.13 youtube

Custom Youtube Video Gallery

Custom Youtube Video Gallery

A custom Youtube video player with a responsive playlist carousel, built with jQuery, Font Awesome, Bootstrap, and Owl Carousel

2022.08.07 youtube

Video Fluidify

Video Fluidify

Fluidify is a really small jQuery plugin which makes the Youtube video player (iframe) fully fluid and responsive relative to its parent container.

2022.08.02 newsticker



SimpleSlideView is a plugin for jQuery (or Zepto) that allows you to present content in a responsive & touch-enabled sliding view interface. The goal is to present content in distinct, bite-sized chunks while maintaining hierarchy through the use of spacial animation.