2019.12.18 gallery

jQuery plugin, which create simple wall-gallery, and animation with randomly swapping items. This plugin is responsive and easy to use. You can use it for free.
2018.10.06 gallery

Filterizr – allows you to set up custom filters for your responsive gallery using CSS3 transitions
2018.10.06 gallery

Random and Responsive HiDPI jQuery Gallery based on HTML5 and CSS3
2018.10.06 gallery

The lightbox reimagined. Fully responsive HTML5 image galleries
2018.10.04 gallery

Responsive image gallery with a thumbnail carousel using Elastislide
2018.10.04 gallery
jQuery xGallerify

A lightweight, responsive, smart gallery based on jQuery
2018.10.04 gallery
jQuery matchHeight

jquery.matchHeight.js is a responsive equal heights plugin for jQuery