1月, 2024 | jQuery Responsive

2024.01.30 singer

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift


2024.01.01 background

Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow

Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow

Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow with CSS3

2024.01.01 background

Vegas Background SlideShow

Vegas Background SlideShow

Vegas Background SlideShow is a jQuery plugin that allows you to display a slideshow of images and videos filling the background. You can set it as a background, so you can display text or images over the slide image. You can make detailed settings in the options, and you can also overlay a pattern image on the photo. In addition to images, you can also specify multiple videos and stream them continuously.

2024.01.01 singer



Superfly(スーパーフライ)は、越智志帆(おちしほ)がボーカルを務める日本の音楽ユニット。所属レーベルはユニバーサルシグマ、マネジメントは44 CARAT。