2018.06.12 youtube
Video Embedder

Responsive video embed jQuery plugin which auto adjusts the width and height iframe embedded videos
2018.06.10 youtube

A jQuery plugin that automagically makes your user generated content responsive.
2018.06.09 youtube

jQuery Responsinatr, Dynamic resizing based on the screen size to make the iframes adapt to smartphones, tablets and desktop computers.
2018.06.09 youtube

FitVids.JS – A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.
2018.06.09 youtube
iframe mediawrapper

jQuery mediaWrapper is a plugin for wrapping an making iframes and embedded videos when developing a responsive website.
2018.06.08 youtube

SuperEmbed.js detects embedded videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, VideoPress, DailyMotion, and more on webpages and makes them responsive. Essentially, this means they stretch to fill their container while still maintaining the content’s original aspect ratio.
2018.06.06 audioplayer
HTML5 Music Player

Just a small update to make the music player compatible with IE7 and IE8. Now all major browsers are supported.
2018.06.05 audioplayer

Easy partner, we can handle it. MediaElement.js is a blazingly fast and amazingly powerful HTML5 audio and video library that creates a unified feel for media files
2018.06.05 audioplayer

audio.js is a drop-in javascript library that allows HTML5 audio tag to be used anywhere. It uses native audio where available and an invisible flash player to emulate audio for other browsers. It provides a consistent html player UI to all browsers which can be styled used standard css.
2018.06.04 singer
Jennifer Lopez

アメリカ合衆国の歌手・女優。本名ジェニファー・リン・ロペス(Jennifer Lynn Lopez)。J. Lo(ジェイロー)という愛称で呼ばれることもあり、愛称を冠した香水や衣服も発売されている。1997年公開の『セレナ』でゴールデングローブ賞候補となり、翌年公開の『アウト・オブ・サイト』のヒットによりトップスターとなった。歌手デビュー前にジャネット・ジャクソンのバックダンサーを務めたことがあり、ダンスミュージックの要素も強い