with start/stop controls
responsive carousel
thumbnail pager
vertical slider
responsive video

horizontal //スライドのエフェクト 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'fade'


default: 500 //スライドのアニメーションの時間


0 //スライドとスライドのマージン


0 //初めのスライドの指定


false //スライドの初めをランダムに


'' //スライドのセレクタを指定


true //ループさせるか否か


false //スライドが最後の時に、次へのリンクを消すか否か


null //イージングの設定※easingのプラグインが必要


false //キャプションの設定 Captionsはイメージのtitle属性に記述


false //スライダーをティッカーモードで使用


false //マウスオーバーでティッカーを停止


false //スライドの高さが違う場合、それぞれ調節して合わせるかどうか


500 // Slide height transition duration (in ms). only used if adaptiveHeight: true


false // If any slides contain video, set this to true. Also, include plugins/jquery.fitvids.js


true // Enable or disable auto resize of the slider


true //ページャーの有無


null //サムネイルページャーの指定


true //次へ、前へ等のコントロールの有無


'Next' //次へのテキスト


'Prev' //前へのテキスト


false //自動、ストップボタンの有無


'Start' //自動ボタンのテキスト


'Stop' //ストップボタンのテキスト


false //自動スタート再生さるかいなか


4000 //スライドの切り替えの間

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			<li><img src="images/slide1.jpg" title="Find the perfect hairstyle a la Lauren Conrad for every type of festive fête." /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide2.jpg" title="The latest hairstyles and instructions on how to create them here. Total Beauty has your complete hairstyles guide" /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide3.jpg" title="If you are looking for something a little special for your big night out, check out Rare London's collection of stunning party dresses" /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide4.jpg" title="The bodycon dress is a key silhouette for this season's party girl; from sleek colour-block panelling to geometric prints the bodycon." /></li>
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			<li><img src="images/slide1.jpg" title="Find the perfect hairstyle a la Lauren Conrad for every type of festive fête." /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide2.jpg" title="The latest hairstyles and instructions on how to create them here. Total Beauty has your complete hairstyles guide" /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide3.jpg" title="If you are looking for something a little special for your big night out, check out Rare London's collection of stunning party dresses" /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide4.jpg" title="The bodycon dress is a key silhouette for this season's party girl; from sleek colour-block panelling to geometric prints the bodycon." /></li>

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			<li><img src="images/slide1.jpg" title="Find the perfect hairstyle a la Lauren Conrad for every type of festive fête." /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide2.jpg" title="The latest hairstyles and instructions on how to create them here. Total Beauty has your complete hairstyles guide" /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide3.jpg" title="If you are looking for something a little special for your big night out, check out Rare London's collection of stunning party dresses" /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide4.jpg" title="The bodycon dress is a key silhouette for this season's party girl; from sleek colour-block panelling to geometric prints the bodycon." /></li>

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			<li><img src="images/slide1.jpg" title="Find the perfect hairstyle a la Lauren Conrad for every type of festive fête." /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide2.jpg" title="The latest hairstyles and instructions on how to create them here. Total Beauty has your complete hairstyles guide" /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide3.jpg" title="If you are looking for something a little special for your big night out, check out Rare London's collection of stunning party dresses" /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide4.jpg" title="The bodycon dress is a key silhouette for this season's party girl; from sleek colour-block panelling to geometric prints the bodycon." /></li>
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			<li><img src="images/slide1.jpg" title="Find the perfect hairstyle a la Lauren Conrad for every type of festive fête." /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide2.jpg" title="The latest hairstyles and instructions on how to create them here. Total Beauty has your complete hairstyles guide" /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide3.jpg" title="If you are looking for something a little special for your big night out, check out Rare London's collection of stunning party dresses" /></li>
			<li><img src="images/slide4.jpg" title="The bodycon dress is a key silhouette for this season's party girl; from sleek colour-block panelling to geometric prints the bodycon." /></li>

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